Demand Response - Unlock hidden revenues
Generate £20k - £120k net / annum / MW from Existing Assets
By managing existing assets and processes a business may be able to access Demand Response revenues. The key is to implement this service with zero impact to operational performance.
This is possible because the electricity grid is put under huge strain during sporadic high demand windows. This encourages grid operators to pay businesses that can promtly help to meet these demand peaks by turning on any form of onsite generation or by dropping demand.
For example, a site that can turn down chillers swiftly for a 30 minute window will receive payments for doing so. Or a site with a back up generator could power this up whilst it pays to do so.
Eco Generation can assist you to realise your Demand Response potential for no cost via our free energy audit offer. Once potential has been realised SWE will manage all of the areas that are required to capture these revenues making it a hassle and cost free process.